Monday, September 9, 2013

Omelet Stuffed Pepper and Good ole Fashion Fries

Don't you just love breakfast for dinner? I know that I do. I'm not a big breakfast person but when if comes to eating it for dinner, I don't know, there is just something about it that I can't resist! This recipe is quite tasty but the hubby and I both agree that it is tastier with out the pepper.  The pepper takes away from the omelet just a little bit.  So, I'll let you be the judge.  Enjoy!

Omelet Stuffed Pepper

3 Chivalatte Italian Sausage Links, taken out of it's casing
2-3 Tbs Olive Oil
1 Small Onion, Chopped
2 Cloves of Garlic, Crushed
1 c. Spinach, Chopped
1 c. Mushrooms, Lightly Chopped
2 tsp. Brown Sugar
1 c. Tomatoes, Chopped
8 Eggs
3/4 c Milk
1/2 c. Smoked Cheddar, Shredded
1/2 c. Mozzarella, Shredded
6-8 Bell Peppers, sliced in half

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  In a frying pan, ground and brown the sausage, set aside.  In another frying pan, saute' olive oil, onion, garlic, spinach, mushrooms and brown sugar for about 5 minutes.  In a large bowl whisk eggs and milk until completely beaten.   Stir in sausage, veggies and cheese.  Fill each pepper half with egg and place into a baking dish.  Bake for about 45 minutes.

Good ole Fashion Fries

8 Red Skin Potatoes
Canola Oil
Sea Salt

This recipe is thanks to the magazine Bon Appetite.  I was skimming through the magazine and saw this and thought, sure why not!  Cut potatoes Julian style.  Put about an inch of oil into a large pot.  Heat up the oil for about 8-10 minutes on the stove, then carefully add potatoes, only two layers deep.  Continue cooking for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Remove fries with a slotted spoon and let excess oil drain a paper towel lined plate.  Season a with sea salt.

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