Monday, October 7, 2013

Monte Cristo PB&J Sandwiches

When ever I would go to my grandmothers house for lunch, I would salivate.  She made the most simple meals but they always tasted so darn good.  One of my personal favorites was the grilled PB&J.  I now make them all the time for my family and friends.  (Got to carry on the tradition, you know!)  Anyway, I have know idea where it came from but I was think, why not make the traditional PB&J that I love so much and go all Monte Cristo style on it.  Enjoy!

Monte Cristo PB&J Sandwiches

Bread, I used cinnamon raisin bread (Yummy!)
Peanut Butter
Strawberry Jelly
1 1/2 c flour
1 Tbs baking powder
1 1/3 c water
1 egg
2 tsp vanilla
vegetable oil
powder sugar

makes about 6

Heat up vegetable oil in a deep frying pan to 350.  Prepare the batter.   In a large bowl mix flour and baking powder.  In a separate bowl mix water, egg, and vanilla.  Add egg mixture to flour.  Stir until thick and gooey. Prepare PB&J sandwiches as you would any other.  Place sandwiches into batter and coat evenly.  Fry the sandwiches in heated oil until golden brown on both sides.  Let access oil drain on a paper towel and then dust with powder sugar.  Serve immediately.  We enjoyed our sandwiches with breakfast sausages. The perfect combo.

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