Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Rock-A-Bye Baby Shower

It was a beautiful day for a baby shower and anyone who knows me, knows I love to throw a party.  The theme for this party was Rock-A-Bye Baby shower for my rock star mommy-to-be Corinne.  Thanks For sharing your day with us!
I decided to do an ice cream bar as far as food goes, but I can't pass up making some extra treats.  My co-hostess, Bekkie brought some yummy pin wheels, veggie tray and punch.  To die for!  I made Buckeye truffles for party favors, and a few, lets just call them tarts.  I also came across a recipe for vanilla wafers that I can pass along to all of you.
As far as decorations go I made some tissue paper pom poms, balloons, onesie banner, and paper garland.  The cut outs are from this awesome vendor on, PrintasticDesign.  Great prices and easy to work with.  Well, I think I covered the most of it, so on to the good stuff, recipes and pictures.

I love filo dough cups. You can fill them up with just about anything.  You can buy the pre-made filo cups or make them yourself.  I make them myself because its cheaper and I get more my buck.

Filo Cups

1 roll filo dough
1/2 c. butter, melted

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease a mini cupcake pan.  Two sheets at a time brush dough evenly with butter.  Then place two more sheets of dough on top of that and repeat until you have six sheets total.  Cut into squares, about 2 inch by 2.  I use a pizza cutter.  Press them down into mini cupcake pans and bake for 5-8 minutes or until golden brown. Let cool before filling the cups.

Strawberry Butter Cream

1 c. diced strawberries
1 c. butter, room temperature
3 c. powder sugar
3 Tbs. creamer, I used Baileys Almond Toffee

Beat butter for about 3 minutes or until smooth.  Beat in powder sugar one cup at a time.  Add in creamer and then strawberries.  Once the butter cream is well mixed, pipe into filo cups.  As a garnish I added kiwi and drizzled chocolate on top.

Lemon Cream Filling

8 oz. cream cheese, soften
1 tub cool whip, thawed
1 pkg. Tastefully Simple Lemonade Fruit dip
fresh cherries

Beat together the above ingredients and pipe into filo cups.  Top of with a fresh cherry and viola!

Chocolate/ Peanut Butter Filling

1 pkg. milk chocolate chips
1 c. crunchy peanut butter
fresh cherries

In a double boiler melt chocolate chips and peanut butter until smooth.  Spoon evenly into filo cups and top off with a cherry.  Place in fridge or freezer until hardened.

For wafers visit:

For Buckeye Truffles visit:

1 comment:

  1. It was such a great day and everything was so delicious! Thank you so much for such for making it so special!! Love you guys so much!!! <3 Corinne
