Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Potato Soup

Did I every mention that I love fall?  Well, I do.  I love the colors and the temperature but more importantly I love the food.  It's comfort food and you just can't go wrong.  Enjoy!

Potato Soup

5 lbs red skin potatoes
12 oz bacon
5 large brussel sprouts
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
4 c. chicken broth
2 c. whipping cream
2 c. smoked cheddar, shredded
pepper for taste

Peel, cut into cubes, and cook potatoes in a large pot of water until potatoes are soft and can be easily mashed.  Cook bacon until lightly crispy and boil brussels fully.  Once the bacon and brussels are done chop them.  In a large sauce pan, add bacon grease, onion, garlic, bacon and brussels.  Saute' for about 5 minutes set aside.

In a large pot bring broth and cream to a boil.  Add cheese and let melt completely.  Next add potato cubes.  With a potato masher, mash potatoes until there are no more cubes.  Then add in bacon mixture.  Continue to boil on high for 10 minutes while stirring continually.  Cover and reduce heat to low and cook for an additional 30 minutes, stirring on occasion.    Optional, garnish with cheese and bacon.

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